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Our mission is to graduate 100 percent of our students, college and career ready.


Access Clever

What is Clever?

Clever is an easy way for your child to log in and learn with all of the online programs they use at school. With their own personal portals, students can learn with resources selected by their teacher and district.

Schools use Clever so students can have all of their digital resources in one place. Clever also eliminates the need to remember multiple usernames and passwords.

About Clever

Clever has worked with school districts and learning applications to create a safe, secure, private, experience for every student. Clever is set up and managed by schools - so every resource your child sees on Clever has been selected by their school. The data in Clever is only used to support your child’s education - it is never sold or used for advertising. 

View information about Clever’s privacy, security and compliance policies and practices.



Both students and teachers log-in using the link below. This link will work for both faculty and students.

Once you log into Clever you will see the McGraw Hill icon - just click it and it will automatically log you in to McGraw Hill and if you have been assigned product it will be available to you and your students.

Visual Example of the first image once sees logging onto Clever

Once you log into Clever you will see the McGraw Hill icon - just click it and it will automatically log you in to McGraw Hill and if you have been assigned product it will be available to you and your students.

Visual instructions for the  McGraw Hill icon - just click it and it will automatically log you in to McGraw Hil