The Purchasing and Supply Management Department is under the auspices of the school district’s Finance Division. The department is responsible for the procurement and distribution of quality goods and services necessary for maintaining an effective teaching and learning environment in support of our mission to graduate 100 percent of our students college and career-ready.
The department supports the functions of purchasing and supply chain management: sourcing, purchasing, contracting, materials management and distribution, receiving, paper records management, intra-district logistics, daily intra-district mail service, and disposal of surplus materials and equipment.
All Union schools and departments are required to follow the school district’s purchasing policy, Purchasing Policy 3010.
FAX 918-357-6188
Director of Purchasing & Supply
Kurt Frentzel
Supervision of the Purchasing Department, Union Distribution Center, contracts, receiving, inventory, and surplus.
Stacy Haynes, CPO
Responsible for sourcing technology, furniture, office & instructional supplies and equipment, yearbooks, school pictures, inventory, and Purchasing approval of requisitions.
Child Nutrition Procurement Manager
Angela Morris
Responsible for sourcing of food, equipment and supplies for the Child Nutrition Department.
Senior Purchasing Specialist
Brett Peterson, CPA
Responsible for vendor registration and contract management.
Distribution Center & Warehouse Coordinator
David Bechtel
Onsite supervisor of the Union Distribution Center, receiving, distribution of supplies and materials, internal district moves, and surplus.
Assistant Coordinator, Child Nutrition Warehouse
Jeremy La Rue
Supervision of Child Nutrition Warehouse, inventory, and distribution of Child Nutrition food, materials and supplies.
Assistant Coordinator, Warehouse
Steve Fuller
Supervision of custodial inventory, distribution of purchased supplies, equipment and materials, intra-school mail service, intra-district moves, and surplus logistics.
Distribution Center Receiving Office