Federal Programs
The Federal Programs Department, which is under the auspices of the Finance Division, works closely with Teaching and Learning in the implementation of programs funded by state/federal monies, and tracking and recording statistical data.
The data helps determine funding Union might receive for the district as well as track progress in various areas from demographics to enrollment trends.
While the department's work is largely "behind the scenes," it is also one of the most important in the district.
Federal Programs also manages grants for the district and oversees support for students grades and transcripts.
Title I Federal Funding
Title I provides federal funding to schools to assist students who are low achieving or at most risk of falling behind. Title I is allocated to schools based on the percentage of student receiving free/reduced lunch. Schools with a percentage of at least 40 percent are eligible for a schoolwide program. Parent and family involvement is critical to student success.
Union Public Schools has nine schoolwide Title 1 Programs. They are Boevers, Roy Clark, Grove, Jarman, Jefferson, Ellen Ochoa, McAuliffe, and Rosa Parks elementary schools and the 6th/7th Grade Center.
Schools designated as Title I use federal funds to upgrade the entire educational program of the school. Title I funds are used to serve students in order to raise academic achievement as well as to provide additional assistance to all students who experience difficulties in meeting the State’s performance targets.
A Title I school must: have a free/reduced lunch count of at least 40 percent; collect and analyze data that effects student achievement; and develop a comprehensive site plan and annually review the effectiveness of the plan. Each site must also have a Site Planning Team including parents to complete a needs assessment and prepare a summary of the data analysis to present to stakeholders. Current Proficiency Levels for state performance targets for reading and math are included.
Each designated Title I school prepares a comprehensive site plan and writes goals for the school year. Curriculum, Instructional Strategies and Assessments are aligned to these site goals.
Title I Information For Parents
Complaint Procedures for Federal Programs
All complaints concerning Union Public Schools Federal Programs should be filed with the Director of Federal Programs Christine Gonzales or with the General Council of the State Department of Education. Within thirty days of receipt of a complaint, the applicant agency shall conduct an investigation of the allegation and resolve the complaint. Subsequent to the investigation and resolution, a written decision shall be filed with the General Council of the State Department of Education and the complainant.
A complaint may be filed by parents, teachers, or other concerned individuals or by an organization in relationship to the program. Union Public Schools is required to review all complaints made concerning a covered program if:
A complaint is in written form and alleges that Federal program requirements have been violated, the complaint is signed, the complaint includes the facts on which the statement is based and the specific program requirement alleged to have been violated, and the complaint includes information supporting the allegation along with the allegation.
Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Education
Each recipient of a grant or subgrant under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 6301 et seq.) must display, in a public place, the hotline contact information of the Office of Inspector General of the Department of Education so that any individual who observes, detects, or suspects improper use of taxpayer funds can easily report such improper use. ESSA, Section 9203 (1)
HOTLINE 1-800-647-8733
Christine Gonzales
Director of Federal Programs
Molly Myers
Administrative Assistant to the Director of Federal Programs