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Our mission is to graduate 100 percent of our students, college and career ready.

Character Counts!

Pillars of Character

In an effort to encourage the development of moral character in students, Union Public Schools has incorporated the Character Counts! program into its educational curriculum.

Developed by the Josephson Institute of Ethics, the Character Counts! program is based on six core values, or "Pillars of Character" respect, responsibility, caring, trustworthiness, fairness and citizenship.

About Character Counts!

Since 1996, Union Public Schools has trained teachers, principals and community leaders to incorporate the "Six Pillars of Character" into classroom and extra-curricular activities. While Character Counts! is strongly supported by the administration at Union Public Schools, the specifics of the program are as varied as the creativity of individual teachers. Character Counts! is used across the school district at all grade levels from Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade and takes many forms as appropriate to the age and interest of students.

There is no specific curriculum assigned for the teaching of character. Some activities are school-wide, such as assemblies and award presentations for showing good character, while others take place in the context of classroom discussions regarding current events or storybook characters. Steering committees at each school help coordinate the integration of character into each school’s environment.

Learn more about the Character Counts! Coalition.

Pillars Of Character