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Our mission is to graduate 100 percent of our students, college and career ready.

Native American


It is our mission to provide our community of learners with educational opportunities to acquire and develop the best possible academic, vocational, recreational, social, and participatory skills, enabling them to become valued, contributing members of a changing global society. The program has been honored by Muscogee Creek Nation.

Union Public Schools strives to assist indigenous students (Native American) students by supporting access to programs that meet their unique educational and culturally related academic needs.

Two programs that help Union meet its mission of assisting indigenous students are the Title VI and JOM programs. Both programs are taught by highly qualified certified teachers and counselors. Referrals are accepted by parents, teachers, counselors and students.

Title VI

Title VI is a federally funded program through the Department of Education operating within the Office of Indian Education in Washington, D.C.  Funds go directly to local programs to meet academic, social, and cultural needs, as well as college and career planning. All students of Native American descent are eligible to participate whose tribe is recognized by the federal government.  Eligibility does not consider income level. 

Procedures for enrolling your school-age child as a recipient of the program begin with the completion of a Title VI Student Eligibility Certification Form (506), which may be obtained at the Education Service Center or any Union school. This form must be approved by the federal program office prior to services.

Johnson O’Malley Program 

Johnson O’Malley is a federally funded program through the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of Indian Education in Washington D.C.  Union’s Native American Education Program provides the operational support for JOM. Union subcontracts with Muscogee Creek Nation.  Funds provide academic tutoring, counseling, student fieldtrips, and cultural activities.  To be eligible for services under JOM, you must submit a copy of your child's Certified Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) Card, or tribal membership card  Eligibility does not consider income level.  


Native American Program At Union Public Schools

Union’s Native American Program is administered by the senior executive director of Federal Programs whose office is located at the Education Service Center, 8506 E. 61st Street. 


Christine Gonzales
Director of Federal Programs
