Student statistical data in this section is compiled and maintained by the Federal Programs department, under the direction of Director of Federal Programs Sherri Fair. The data presented is based on enrollment figures as of October 1 of the most recent school year; the date is the deadline schools must report their final enrollment figures to the Oklahoma Department of Education. The data is important because it not only provides an indicator of statistics and various demographics which are used for planning purposes, but it is also the basis upon which the state determines funding for the school district.
View Statistical data as of October 2023 – Questions?
Report contains information on:
Secondary Gender
Site Enrollment
Gender Statistics by Race
District Student Population
District Race Summary
Elementary Student Population
Ethnic Enrollment by Site
Secondary Student Population
Hispanic Ethnicity
District Enrollment Change
District Race Distribution
Individual Class Increase/ (Decrease)
Historical Enrollment
Ethnic Statistics by Gender
District Gender Enrollment by Site
Ethnic Statistics by Site
District Ethnic Summary
Hispanic Ethnicity
District Ethnicity
Additional Data