Our mission is to graduate 100 percent of our students, college and career ready.
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2025 Projects - The Year Ahead
Rendering of proposed improvements at the Union 6th/7th Grade Center cafeteria
Reconfiguring the Union 6th/7th Grade Center remains the centerpiece project of this bond package. Tackling this project while the building is occupied has proven to be a significant challenge.
“One of the issues in doing a project this size is that we don’t get all the money at one time,” said Associate Superintendent Charlie Bushyhead. “We have to phase these projects in the right order, so we have the available funds and are able to minimize the interruptions to our educational environment.”
The allocated amount for the project is $51.6 million, approximately one-third of the total bond package. All options have been explored, including building a completely new facility or temporarily relocating students. Given that construction costs have skyrocketed, the ideal option would be to make the changes over multiple summers and while students are in school.
“Phasing of this project has proven to be unbelievably complicated, as we want to be good financial stewards,” Bushyhead said. “We are considering moving kids into prefabs on campus while construction is underway, but they are going to cost the district approximately $8 million. The high cost has caused us to explore other strategies.”
Superintendent Dr. John Federline said, “We like the redesign, and think it’s going to be a very positive change for the culture and climate of the 6th & 7th Grade Center. The biggest challenge is doing such a large-scale project while school is in session.”
Planned renovations
Improved cafeteria serving area with two eating spaces that each will serve almost 400 students at a time.
Reconfiguring the school, with 6th Grade on the east side of the building and 7th Grade on the west side, while creating smaller learning environments. Teams will continue to be clustered, with restrooms added near classrooms. This is expected to provide additional pathways and reduce congestion.
Renovation of the HVAC system, replacing an old geothermal system that no longer works adequately.
“Gutting of the mechanical/HVAC system began over the summer,” said Bushyhead. “The new physical plant serving the building is being constructed off-site and will be placed in Union’s Central Park in Fall 2025.”
Other changes
The main classroom area will be renovated and the four classrooms across the hall from the media center will be converted into offices for the assistant principals and counselors.
A new corridor will be added, allowing access to the office and back hallways.
A portion of the media center will be converted into two additional special education classrooms.
Four new sets of restrooms will be added to each side of the building on both floors, helping with traffic flow and reducing congestion. The restrooms will be close to the teams they serve.
Construction is scheduled to take place through 2028.
2025 Bond Projects
Projects planned for 2025 with estimated completion dates:
Redhawks R.I.S.E. renovation – Construction is expected to start in the spring on this new facility that will be in the old clinic space at Building C at the Alternative School. Serving transitional students with disabilities, ages 18-22, this new facility will include an apartment setup, kitchen, training, job skills and classroom space. It will serve up to 50 students. (Spring 2025)
Operations Complex – Replace damaged and rusted metal panels, insulation and guttering (Summer 2025)
Freshman Academy locker room and gym flooring replacement (Summer 2025)
High School roofing replacement (sections 7, 8, 9, PAC and Volleyball) – Will begin in 2025. (TBD)
Roy Clark Elementary HVAC replacement (TBD)
Jarman Elementary roof replacement (TBD)
Moore Elementary freezer/cooler replacement (Summer 2025)
Peters Elementary flooring replacement – will replace carpeting and tile in most of the building. (Summer 2025)
Union Performing Arts Center – Phase 1 “back of house” improvements – restroom/changing room (TBD)
Cedar Ridge Elementary playground upgrade (TBD)
TBD = To Be Determined
Ongoing and Planned Projects
Projects planned for 2025 with estimated completion dates:
Districtwide rooftop unit replacements
Districtwide paving projects
Improve ADA accessibility at selected playgrounds
Add ramps into play areas and accessible equipment/toys as needed.
Union Performing Arts Center
Phase 2 “back of house” improvements (probably in 2026).
High School students catch a show at the Union Performing Arts Center.
Technology Purchases from Bond Funds
3,000 student laptops, $2,009,700
Fire alarm panel at Jefferson Elementary, $75,759
Pod printer licenses, $27,925
Network switches (after E-Rate discount), $18,614
Cellular repeater for Transportation Deptartment, $18,556