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Our mission is to graduate 100 percent of our students, college and career ready.

Bond 2023 FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  Why is passage of this bond proposition important to Union?  

Since state law prohibits bond dollars from being used to hire teachers, pay salaries/raises, or lower class sizes, the district uses bond dollars as much as possible to protect the general fund for that purpose.  It is through issuance of bonds that Union is able to pay for capital expenditures such as textbooks, instructional technology, equipment, and construction.  That is why you see those items on bond propositions. Without bond propositions, the district would have to tap into its general fund to pay for the facilities and instructional tools our children need, leaving little money to hire teachers or conduct daily operations.   

Q:  How will passage of this bond proposition affect my taxes?  

Because the district pays off existing bonds and its property base continues to grow, that portion of estimated ad valorem tax attributed to Union Public Schools will be maintained at traditional levels. 

Q:  Why is my vote important?  

Contrary to most elections in which a simple majority carries an issue, state law requires school bond propositions to pass by a 60 percent super majority.  This situation makes each vote that much more critical.  Please remember to cast your ballot on Tuesday, February 14!  

Q:  Where do I vote?  

Vote at your regular voting place used in county, state, and national elections.  If you are unsure where to vote, please call the Tulsa County Election Board office at 918-596-5780.  Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. 

Q:  How do I register to vote?  

Voter registration books close Friday, January 20 (24 days prior to the election). Completed registration forms must be postmarked by 5 p.m. on January 20.  You can obtain a registration form at any Union school site, the Union Education Service Center, any Tag Agency or the Tulsa County Election Board.  For more information, call the Tulsa County Election Board at 918-596-5780 or visit   

Q:  How do I get an absentee ballot?

The deadline to request an absentee ballot is 15 days before Election Day. Absentee ballots must be requested by 5 p.m. on Monday, January 30. Completed and notarized absentee ballots must be mailed back and received by the Election Board by 7 p.m. on Election Day. Hand-delivered ballots to the Election Board (555 N. Denver) must be delivered by 5 p.m. on Monday, February 13. 

Absentee ballots may be requested by submitting an online application at or download an application from the Tulsa County Election Board website.  For more information, visit or call the Tulsa County Election Board at 918-596-5787. 

Q:  Is Early Voting available in person?  

Yes, in-person early voting will be held on the Thursday and Friday prior to the February 14 Election. It is open to any registered voter in Tulsa County who has not already returned an absentee ballot. Early voting locations is at the Tulsa County Election Board, 555 N. Denver Ave. Early voting hours are from 8 a.m. – to 6 p.m. on February 9 – 10.  

Information presented in this section includes campaign messaging for Union's 5-year bond issue, which was approved by voters in February 2023.