5250 Field Trips
The Union Public School District recognizes that there are occasions when it would be greatly beneficial to the students to make a trip outside their home school. In view of the large number of classes throughout the district, it is also recognized that it would be a major expense for each of them to take field trips during the school year. Therefore, budget permitting, the following guidelines will apply:
A. All trips must be approved and arranged through building principals and the Transportation Department subject to bus availability and an adequate funding source.
B. District-sponsored trips are intended to be extensions of the classroom and enhancements to the curriculum. Since funding is limited, field trips may be limited.
C. No trip will be approved by the principal which is not directly related to career education or the specific classroom subject.
D. Trips are subject to the availability of funding, buses and drivers.
E. Students may not leave the school without a permission slip signed by their parent/guardian.
F. Non-district-funded trips by a chartered bus are not affected by budget constraints and bus availability. However, transportation arrangements must be approved by the principal or director.
Revised 6/10/96
Revised 12/8/97
Revised 12/14/98
Revised 1/13/03
Revised 12/8/03
Revised 11/10/08
Revised 11/8/10
Revised 12/10/12