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Our mission is to graduate 100 percent of our students, college and career ready.

5061 Graduation Attire

It is the policy of this school district to allow enrolled students of a federally recognized Indian tribe or the tribe of another country to wear tribal regalia during the district’s official graduation ceremonies, whether held at a public or private location. Nothing contained in this policy shall limit or alter the authority of district personnel to regulate student behavior pursuant to the School Safety and Bullying Prevention Act and any existing student conduct and behavior policies of the district.

For the purposes of this policy, tribal regalia means traditional garments, jewelry, other adornments such as an eagle feather, an eagle plume, a beaded cap, a stole or similar objects of cultural and religious significance worn by members of a federally recognized Indian tribe or the tribe of another country.

Tribal regalia does not include any firearm or other weapon. Tribal regalia does not include any object that is otherwise prohibited by federal law, except in compliance with an appropriate federal permit. The District may adopt guidelines which specify the characteristics of any garment, jewelry, other adornment, or object that the district finds will endanger the safety of a student or others or interfere with graduation ceremonies if worn by a student.

Reference: OKLA. STAT. tit. 70, § 24-160


Adopted 12/9/24