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5039 Drugs, Drug Paraphernalia, and Alcohol


A.      Unlawful possession and use of illicit drugs and/or alcohol is wrong and harmful.

B.      Students are prohibited from using, being under the influence of, possessing, furnishing, distributing, selling, conspiring to sell or possess, or being in the chain of sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages, illegal or illicit drugs, drug paraphernalia, or other mood-altering substances while at school, on school vehicles, or at any school- sponsored event.

C.      Illicit drugs include steroids, prescription, and over-the-counter medications being used for an abusive purpose (e.g., when they are not used in compliance with the prescription or directions for use and are not being used to treat a current health condition of the student). Mood-altering substances include paint, glue, aerosol sprays, and similar substances.

D.      Violation of this rule will result in imposition of disciplinary measures which may include suspension for the remainder of the current semester and the following semester.

E.       Student violation of this rule, which also constitutes illegal conduct, may be reported to law enforcement authorities.

F.       Anyone who reasonably suspects that a student is under the influence of, or has in his/her possession, low-point beer, alcoholic beverages, or a controlled dangerous substance, should report such information to an administrator.

G.      The district may conduct random safety sweeps utilizing canine contraband detection services on district property.


A.      Students may not retain possession of nor self-administer any medication at school without the authorization of a school health official.

B.      Students who have a legitimate health need for over-the-counter or prescription medication at school shall deliver such medications to the school nurse, principal, or designee with a parental authorization, in compliance with Oklahoma law and district policy and procedures regarding administering medicine to students.

C.      Violations of this rule will be reported to the student’s parents by the principal and may result in discipline which can include suspension.


A.      Information for students and their parents about drug and alcohol counseling, rehabilitation, and re-entry programs in the geographic area is available from the principal (counselor) at each student’s school.

B.      Copies of these rules shall be provided to all students and their parents at the beginning of each school year.


The Board of Education of the Union Public School District adopts the following requirements addressing drug and alcohol use by students and employees in order to comply with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989.

A.      The district shall maintain as part of its curriculum, age-appropriate, developmentally based drug and alcohol education and prevention programs which address the legal, social, and health consequences of drug and alcohol use and which provide information about effective techniques for resisting peer pressure to use illicit drugs or alcohol for all students in all grades offered by the district.

B.      The drug and alcohol education and prevention programs shall clearly convey to students that the use of illicit drugs and the unlawful possession and use of alcohol is wrong and harmful.

C.      The district has adopted and shall maintain, as part of its student conduct and discipline policies, mandatory standards of conduct and disciplinary sanctions applicable to all students regarding the use of drugs and alcohol. The standards and sanctions shall be included in the student handbook which is distributed to all students, and copies of these provisions shall be provided to students’ parents at the beginning of each school year.

D.      Information for students about drug and alcohol counseling, rehabilitation, and re-entry programs available to them in the geographical area shall be maintained in each school within the district. Administrators in each school shall develop age-appropriate measures for making students and/or their parents aware of the availability of the information and for making it easily and freely accessible to them.

E.       At least every two years, the administration shall conduct a review and evaluation of all the programs and practices implementing these requirements and recommend any needed changes.

Revised 6/10/96

Revised 6/9/97

Revised 12/8/97

Revised 12/14/98

Revised 12/10/07

Revised 12/10/12

Revised 12/11/17

Revised 12/10/18