5030 Promotion, Placement, and Retention of Students
Promotion is the expected culmination of a school year and affects the teacher, pupil, and parents. Therefore, serious consideration should be given to the following factors:
A. Number of years retained.
B. Chronological age.
C. Scholastic achievement.
D. Cognitive ability.
E. Developmental and social maturity.
Whenever a teacher or teachers recommend that a student be retained at the present grade level or not be passed in a course, the parent/guardian of elementary students should be notified of the recommendation by the end of the third quarter. If dissatisfied with the recommendation, the parent/guardian may appeal the decision by complying with the district’s appeal process. The decision of the Board of Education shall be final. The parent/guardian may prepare a written statement to be placed in the file and become a part of the permanent record of the student stating the reason(s) for disagreeing with the decision of the Board of Education.
Because enrollment in the primary multiage program may be for two or three years, parents/guardians and teachers are encouraged to communicate regularly about the child’s progress. The district reserves the right to determine placement for students in any class/program exclusive of the provisions of an Individual Education Plan (IEP).
A. An appeal may be requested by letter to the principal. This request should be made within ten calendar days after the parent/guardian is aware of the student’s grade or promotion status.
B. The principal or designee shall hold a conference with the teacher and the parent/guardian as soon as possible after receipt of the appeal. The conference will be held during regular school hours, Monday through Friday, with consideration given to the hours of working parents whenever possible.
C. At the conference, the principal will read Board Policy #5030 and ask the teacher to explain the rationale for the teacher’s decision. The parent/guardian will be given the opportunity to respond and present evidence that supports the parent/guardian position.
D. At the conclusion of the conference, the principal will state, in writing, whether he/she will uphold, rescind, or modify the teacher’s decision. In all cases, the parent/guardian will be advised of the right to have the decision reviewed by the Superintendent or designee.
E. If the parent/guardian desires a further appeal, he/she should request in writing an additional appeal to the Superintendent or designee within five calendar days.
F. The Superintendent or designee shall hold a conference with the principal and the parent/guardian as soon as possible after receipt of the appeal. The conference will be held during regular school hours, Monday through Friday, with consideration given to the hours of working parents whenever possible.
G. At the conference, the Superintendent or designee will read Board Policy #5030 and ask the principal/designee to explain the rationale for the principal/designee’s decision. The parent/guardian will be given the opportunity to respond and present evidence that supports the parent/guardian position.
H. At the conclusion of the conference, the Superintendent or designee will state in writing whether he/she will uphold, rescind, or modify the principal’s decision. In all cases, the parent/guardian will be advised of the right to have the decision reviewed by the Board of Education.
I. The parent/guardian must notify the Board of Education in writing if further appeal is desired. The parent/ guardian should specify whether they desire an open or closed hearing with the Board of Education.
J. The Board of Education will conduct a hearing with all relevant parties present. The Board will advise in writing the parent/guardian, Superintendent, principal, and teacher of its decision. The decision of the Board of Education is final.
Revised 6/10/96
Revised 12/13/99
Revised 12/8/03
Revised 12/10/07
Revised 1/18/10
Revised 3/10/14
Revised 12/8/14
Revised 12/14/15
Revised 11/14/16