5015 Contagious Conditions/Head Lice
The following policy has been set forth to safeguard students and school personnel from contagious diseases or from an outbreak of pediculosis (head lice).
Any student with a contagious condition may be excluded from school.
Before returning to school, the student may be required to present a certificate from a health professional or an authorized representative of the Oklahoma State Health Department verifying that the student is no longer contagious.
After readmittance, the school nurse may periodically check the student. Should a reinfection occur, the student may again be excluded from school.
Any student with head lice may be excluded from school.
Before returning to school, the student must be treated and all lice must be removed from the hair. The student will only be readmitted to the classroom after the school nurse determines there are no live lice present in the student’s hair.
After readmittance, the school nurse may periodically check the student for head lice. Should a reinfestation occur, the student will again be excluded from school.
Revised 6/10/96
Revised 12/14/98
Revised 11/8/10
Revised 12/13/21
Revised 12/11/23