1650 School Mail
School mail or distribution boxes have been established at each building to provide a systematic method of distributing district correspondence and other district informational materials to employees of the district by the administration and the Board of Education.
The district operates and maintains the costs of these distribution boxes and the method of delivery. Therefore, the dissemination of any information or correspondence by a person, group of persons or other organizations must have approval by the site administrator before the correspondence is distributed.
The process for approval is as follows:
A. To ensure distribution of all materials or correspondence on or before the specified time, all materials must be received and approved five working days prior to the deliver date.
B. Bulk materials must be packaged and appropriately addressed to each individual school with final distribution being made through the schools’ delivery system.
C. Dissemination of correspondence and information on a districtwide level must receive prior approval from the Superintendent or designee.
D. Information disseminated on a building level that affects only the employees of the building needs only the approval of the building principal.
E. The administration reserves the right to refuse the dissemination of any information through the distribution boxes and school delivery service.
F. Use of the postage meter is for district purposes only.
G. Use of district mail delivery for communications by UCTA (Union Classroom Teachers Association)/USPA (Union Support Personnel Association)/POE (Professional Oklahoma Educators) or other such groups shall not be permitted.
Revised 6/10/96
Revised 12/8/97
Revised 12/14/98
Revised 12/13/99
Revised 1/8/01
Revised 1/13/03
Revised 12/13/04
Revised 1/16/06
Revised 12/10/07
Revised 11/14/16