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Our mission is to graduate 100 percent of our students, college and career ready.

4060 Substitute Teachers

All substitute teachers will be employed through the Education Service Center or the district’s third-party substitute service. Building principals and teachers will submit the proper forms in a timely manner via the district’s substitute placement and leave request systems. Substitutes will be paid in accordance with district pay calendar.

Although efforts will be made to place certified substitutes in classrooms, the Board of Education authorizes the placement of a substitute or up to 135 days per school year if the substitute does not have a current or lapsed expired teaching certificate or bachelor’s degree, or 145 days if the substitute has a lapsed/expired certificate or possesses

a bachelor’s degree, with a maximum of 145 days in the same assignment; or no limit on the number of days within the district or in the same assignment if the substitute holds a valid certificate and further authorizes the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, Associate Superintendent, or Executive Director of Human Resources the ability to grant an appropriate number of days above 135 or 145 that may be warranted by the specific circumstances.


Revised 6/10/96

Revised 12/8/97

Revised 12/13/04

Revised 8/13/12

Revised 12/10/12

Revised 12/11/17

Revised 12/9/19

Revised 6/13/22