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3100 Selection of Auditors

It is the policy of the Union Public School District to select a qualified audit firm to conduct an annual audit of all the district’s books and accounts. The selection process shall be conducted as often as deemed necessary. This process should consist of soliciting written proposals from three or more firms. Any Board of Education member may recommend an auditing firm from the state-approved list of auditors to be contacted by the Chief Financial Officer or Board of Education president.


Each firm contacted should be furnished the following information by the Chief Financial Officer or designee:

A.      The funds to be audited.

B.      The type of audit, both financial and compliance, and the interim consultation to be provided to the professional staff.

C.      A description of the school system and the records to be audited.

D.      The extent of auditing assistance available from district staff members.

E.       The contents of the audit report as required by the State Board of Education.

F.       The deadline for completing the audit.

G.      The procedures for reviewing the final report.


In selecting auditors, the following criteria should be considered:

A.      Training and experience, including that of partners and associates, either with school districts or comparable governmental entities.

B.      Planning ability and promptness.

C.      General reputation of firm.

D.      Recommendations of present clients.

E.       Current volume of work during proposed audit period.

F.       Quality of the firm’s services outside the audit function.

G.      Quality of the firm’s professional staff and availability for interim consultation.

H.      State approval.

I.        Experience with current GASB Statement reporting and the issuance of an Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR).


Revised 6/10/96

Revised 12/8/03

Revised 12/13/04

Revised 12/10/07

Revised 12/14/15

Revised 12/13/21