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Our mission is to graduate 100 percent of our students, college and career ready.

3010 Purchasing and Procurement

This policy shall govern the purchase, rental or leasing of all goods, equipment, software, construction, services, and real property for the district.


A.      Adequate Number - Two (2) or more offers from responsible offerors.

B.      Best Value - An acquisition based on clearly defined quantifiable evaluation criteria which may include, but not be limited to: unit pricing; total acquisition cost; cost of ownership; cost of distribution; form, fit and function of products; innovation; warranties and guarantees; supplier qualifications, reliability and past performance; quality of goods; transition costs; opportunity cost and other quantifiable criteria deemed to be in the best interest of the district.

C.      Emergency - A sudden unexpected or unforeseen occurrence or condition that requires the purchase and procurement of goods or services necessary to protect public health, safety, life or property of the district or its students, employees and patrons, or necessary to avoid the interruption of critical school business and operations.

D.      Encumbrance Clerk/Assistant Encumbrance Clerks - The employees designated by the Board of Education to oversee all encumbrances and to charge each encumbrance appropriately and in accordance with Oklahoma legal requirements.

E.       Goods - Personal property, materials, movable property, thing or things for sale or rent (e.g., furniture, equipment, supplies, uniforms, etc.)

F.       Lowest and Best - An award method based on lowest total purchase price, quality and reliability, best delivery offer, and other factors as identified in the solicitation.

G.      Independent Contractor - An individual who provides goods and/or services in a manner defined by the Internal Revenue Service regulations and the Oklahoma State Department of Education Independent Contractor guidelines as amended. The independent contractor provides the same goods and/or services to at least two or more other entities.

H.      Minor Maintenance and Repair - Replacement or repair of existing facility infrastructure or equipment necessary to restore such to a temporary or permanent operational function, e.g. repair a broken water line.

I.        Professional and Technical Contracted Services - Those services defined as outsourced services provided by professionals in their field.

J.        Purchase Order (PO) - The district’s printed or electronic document issued to a supplier formalizing all the terms and conditions of a proposed transaction, such as description of the requested items, delivery schedule, and terms of payment. If the Board of Education fails to approve a purchase order, it shall be null and void. The purchase order serves as the contract and authorizes the employee to place an order with the supplier. Purchase orders must be issued prior to ordering goods or services.

K.      Purchase Order Terms - Unless otherwise defined in writing by separate contract between the district and the supplier, the district’s purchase order terms, as referenced on the purchase order and posted on the Union website, shall govern the purchase of goods and services.

L.       Purchasing Cooperative - An association of entities or alliances working together to provide leverage in achieving best value and/or the best terms in contracts awarded.

M.     P-Card/Credit Card - Purchase/Procurement or district-owned credit card program approved by the Board of Education.

N.      Real Property - Land and its permanently affixed buildings or structures; any property which is not personal property.

O.      Requisition – The printed or electronically generated document used to request the encumbrance of funds and the issuance of a purchase order.

P.       Software & Services – Computerized programs, operating systems, licenses, and information used by computer systems, software as a service (SaaS), cloud-based computing systems, web-based systems, electronic books and media, and professional services necessary to implement and integrate systems.

Q.      Sole Source Procurement – A non-competitive method of procurement for the purchase of unique goods or services from one supplier, whereby said supplier is the only source. Sole source does not necessarily includeproprietary goods or equipment.

R.      Source Selection – The sourcing method used to select a supplier of goods or services; request for written quotations, invitation for bids, request for proposals, [e.g., written quotations (Request for Quotation), sealed bids (Invitation for Bids), proposals (Request for Proposal or Request for Information), etc.)

S.       Supplier - A person or entity that provides goods and/or services.


The Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent and/or Chief Financial Officer or designees to establish purchasing and procurement procedures and practices consistent with this policy, federal laws, Oklahoma law and generally accepted governmental purchasing practices.

A.     Purchase Orders and Requisitions:

General: All purchases shall be made with the use of a purchase order issued prior to the ordering of goods or services. All purchase orders are contingent upon the availability of funding, submission and approval of the requisition, and approval by the Board of Education. The Board authorizes the Superintendent, Chief Financial Officer and the Director of Accounting (encumbrance clerk) or designee to issue purchase orders, for less than $100,000 without prior Board approval.

The Board authorizes the Encumbrance Clerk and/or designee to increase blanket purchase orders for utilities and/or freight as necessary to pay invoices and increase non-blanket purchase orders by up to fifteen percent (15%) to cover other transaction changes or pricing adjustments.

Any agenda item(s) approved by the Board at a regular or special Board meeting constitutes approval by the Board to encumber the funds, issue the purchase order, and make appropriate payments.

Credit Card/P-Card: Credit card and P-Card purchases may be permitted provided an encumbrance is in place to the supplier to cover the credit card or P-Card transaction.

Public Improvement/Construction Projects of $100,000 or more: Public improvement/construction projects, subject to the Oklahoma Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 of $100,000 or more must be awarded and approved by the Board of Education as a separate agenda item prior to the release of a purchase order and contract.

All acquisitions or encumbrance of funds to a supplier/contractor of $100,000 or more must be approved by the Board of Education as a separate agenda item prior to the issuance of a purchase order. Board approval of the purchase constitutes approval of the associated purchase order and payments.

Purchase orders, that would otherwise be issued to a single supplier as a single procurement or project, shall not be split to avoid bidding and quotation and/or Board approval requirements.

Blanket Purchase Orders: All blanket purchase orders of $100,000 or more must be approved by the Board of Education as a separate agenda item prior to the release of the blanket purchase order.

Transactions against a blanket purchase order shall not be permitted until the blanket purchase has been submitted to the Board of Education for approval.

B.      Emergency Purchases and Emergency Purchase Orders:

In the event of emergency situations the Superintendent, Chief Financial Officer, Director of Accounting, or designee may authorize the issuance of emergency purchase orders. Emergency purchase orders shall not be issued out of the bond funds.

The Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent to declare an emergency and waive the notice and bid requirements of the Oklahoma Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 without Board approval for emergencies that are less than $150,000.

C.      Travel Reimbursement:

All travel will be approved and paid in accordance with district travel policy #3200, state and federal laws, and IRS guidelines. Please refer to Policy #3200 - Travel Expense Approval, Documentation, and Reimbursement.

D.      Federal Uniform Guidance Requirements:

As a non-federal entity, the district will follow this purchasing and procurement policy and the written procedures and requirements of the district’s federal Uniform Guidance Procurement Plan & Procedures as amended and approved.

Where the district’s policies, requirements and procedures are more restrictive than the federal requirements, the district’s policies, requirements, and procedures shall be followed for the use and expenditure of all federal funds.


A.      General:

No employee of the district shall enter into any financial contract or agreement (verbal or written), on behalf of the district, without the prior approval of the Board of Education. The Board may, upon approval of any encumbrance, purchase order and all adjoining contract documents, authorize an administrator(s) of the district to sign said contract documents on behalf of the Board and authorize issuance and payment of purchase order.

All school picture and yearbook contracts shall be approved by the Board of Education on an annual basis prior to signing of any contract.

B.      Federal Contracts:

Conflict of Interest - No employee, officer, or agent of the district may participate in the selection, award, or administration of a contract supported by a federal award if he or she has a real or apparent conflict of iinterest. Such a conflict of interest would arise when the employee, officer, or agent, any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner, or an organization which employs or is about to employ any of the parties indicated herein, has a financial or other interest in or a tangible personal benefit from a firm considered for a contract. See also Board Policy #4057.

C.      Student Activity Fund Contracts:

Duly authorized student activity fund custodians may be permitted to execute Board-approved activity fund related contracts and agreements after all of the following conditions have been met:

•          The Board has approved the contract or agreement and authorized the Activity Fund custodian to sign the contract.

•          The associated encumbrance and purchase order(s) have been issued.

D.      Independent Contractors:

The Board of Education may, upon approval of any encumbrance, purchase order, and all accompanying contract documents, procure the services of an individual who is deemed to be an independent contractor as defined by the IRS regulations and Oklahoma State Department of Education guidelines.

As with any other supplier, an independent contractor will be required to complete a supplier registration form and IRS form W-9. The district reserves the right to issue a 1099 to any supplier regardless of the total amount of the goods and/or services provided by the supplier. The independent contractor may be required to provide proof of workers compensation and liability insurance and must agree to the terms and conditions of the district’s official purchase order.


A.      General:

The solicitation for bids, proposals and quotations shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of this policy and district purchasing procedures as approved by the Superintendent or Chief Financial Officer. Procurement transactions must be conducted in a manner that provides for full and open competition.

B.      Methods of Procurement:

Unless otherwise exempted herein for non-federal procurements, the procurement thresholds shall apply to all purchases. These procurement thresholds shall apply to the total amount of a requisition.

Sourcing Methods


District’s Threshold

Sourcing Requirements


$0 - $10,000

Informal price quotes recommended

Small Dollar Purchases

•          Non-federal

•          Federal


$10,000.01 to $100,000

$10,000.01 to $250,000


Adequate number of written quotes (Request for Quotation)



Competitive Sealed Bids1 and Proposals2

•          Non-federal

•          Federal


$100,000.01 and up

$250,000.01 and up


Adequate number of sealed bids or proposals (IFB or RFP)

Non-Competitive Proposals3

$10,000.01 and up

Sole Source

Public Improvement/ Construction Projects4

$5,001 to $100,000.

Use Small Dollar Method

Public Improvement/ Construction Projects4


Competitive Sealed Bids


1The sealed bid method of procurement shall be used for all competitive bidding of construction and maintenance projects (public improvements), school bus purchases, and federal and non-federal program procurements for the threshold amounts stated. Sealed bid solicitations shall be publicly advertised, when required by statute or regulation, opened publicly, and awarded in accordance with federal or state requirements, e.g., lowest responsive and responsible bidder (construction and federal programs) or lowest and best bid (school buses & non-federal).

2The competitive sealed proposal method shall be used when the conditions for the use of competitive sealed bid method are not appropriate or practicable. Competitive sealed proposals, usually solicited through the use of a Request for Proposal (RFP), may be used for soliciting the procurement of services, software, and where other factors critical to the procurement, use, product(s), and service is necessary. Competitive sealed proposals may be awarded to the bidder whose proposal is most advantageous to the program or project with price and other factors considered. Federal program procurements must be awarded in accordance with federal regulations and the District’s Uniform Guidance Procurement Plan & Procedures.

3 Sole source procurements for federal programs must be processed and awarded in accordance with the District’s Uniform Guidance Procurement Plan and Procedures.

4 Public improvement and construction projects, including minor maintenance and minor repair work to District property, and the selection of construction management and consultants firms shall be sourced and selected in accordance with the State Consultants, O.S. 61 § 62-65; Fair and Open Competition in Government Construction Act, O.S. 61 § 81-86; Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974, O.S. 61 § 101-139; the Public Construction Management Act for Political Subdivisions, O.S. 61 § 215-220; the Fair and Open Competition in Governmental Construction Act. O.S. 61 § 81-86 and the Fair Pay for Construction Act, O.S. 61 § 221- 227, as amended. Construction management trade contracts or subcontracts exceeding $50,000 shall be let and awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, by open competition after solicitation for sealed bids. Minor maintenance and minor repairs that are less than $25,000 may be negotiated with a qualified contractor without obtaining an adequate number of quotes.

The Director of Purchasing or designee may audit any or all requests for purchase requiring quotes or bids. Bids, quotes, and related documents not submitted with the requisition must be maintained by the school site or department for a minimum of two (2) years after the purchase. If purchased with federal funds, the documentation shall be kept for three (3) years after the final payment for the goods or services has been received.

C.      Sealed Bid Requirements:

Formal sealed bids shall have a specific bid opening date and time. Bidders shall have the right to attend the public bid opening. At least two administrators or designees from different departments must be present during the bid opening. All sealed bids will be opened at the designated time and read aloud, if bidders are present.

The Board of Education authorizes the Director of Purchasing or designee to use an e-Procurement solution for soliciting quotes, bids and proposals.

D.      Waiver of Bids and Quotes:

Where an emergency purchase (see definitions) is necessary, the Director of Purchasing or Director of Accounting may waive the quote requirements for all purchases of less than $25,000. Emergency purchases over $25,000 shall require waiver approval of the Superintendent or Chief Financial Officer.

A reason for the emergency waiver shall be recorded with the requisition.

Emergency purchases and contracts exceeding $150,000 for the repair, maintenance, and remodeling of buildings and facilities, subject to the Oklahoma Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 (the Act), shall require declaration of emergency with bidding waiver and approval by the Board of Education in accordance with the Act.

E.       Solicitation Award:

The district reserves the right to reject any or all bids, quotes and proposals, and to waive any bid informalities, technicalities, or irregularities.

Sealed bids for all federal programs and public improvement and construction projects shall be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, as determined by the district.

Non-federal program and non-public improvement/construction acquisitions may be awarded to the lowest and best bidder.

Where it serves the district’s best interest to award based on “best value,” the district may award a written quote, sealed bid, or a proposal on a “best value” basis provided that the award is based on clearly defined evaluation criteria.

Requests for Proposals and Requests for Quotes may be awarded to the bidder whose proposal or quote is most advantageous to the district with price and other factors considered.

School bus bids shall be awarded to the lowest and best bidder.

F.       Bid Protests:

Bid protests must be submitted in accordance with the Bid Protest Procedures located on the Union website.


A.      General:

Except where competitive sourcing is required by federal and state law or regulation, the following bidding exemptions shall apply to all non-federal fund/program procurements. If a bidding exemption under the federal uniform guidance rules exists, the exemptions stated herein may be used. Bid exemptions may be used for federal program acquisition within the Micro purchase thresholds.

School and department personnel must use prudent and ethical procurement practices. Although the following goods and services are exempt from methods of competitive sourcing, every effort should be made to obtain the best quality goods and services at the lowest price or cost from a responsible supplier:

Regardless of these bidding and sourcing exemptions, all purchases over $100,000 must still be approved by the Board of Education prior to issuance of a purchase order.

B.      Bidding exemptions:

•          Contracted professional services and technical services.

•          Equipment maintenance services (e.g., copier maintenance services, software maintenance, hardware maintenance, etc.).

•          Travel services (airfare, hotel accommodations, registrations, etc.)

•          Goods purchased for student activity fund raisers and goods purchased by and/or provided to staff and/ or students from activity funds; disc jockey services and equipment rentals for graduation, prom, dances and other student social activities; unique and custom decorations purchased from student activity funds and used for student events; class and spirit memorabilia items purchased for or by students and/or adults through the activity funds. Although bidding and/or proposals are not required for selection of yearbook and school picture suppliers annually, the district may require new proposals every three to five years.

•          Goods purchased for resale.

•          Standardized curriculum materials and related supplies, textbooks, e-books, student workbooks, library/ media books, maps and globes, and educational and training media.

•          Utility services.

•          Software and software subscription renewals.

•          Training classes.

•          Equipment, service and vehicle rentals.

•          Unique custom artistry work, graphic design service, custom set and prop design and construction, and customized wraps.

•          Catering.

•          Repairs to damaged vehicles, buses, trucks and trailers, e.g., body and framework. Where diagnostic services are necessary to determine the repair, e.g. disassembly is required, additional price comparisons or quotes for repairs under the Small Dollar threshold may be waived by the Chief Financial Officer, Director of Purchasing, Director of Accounting or their designee.

•          Replacement repair parts purchased from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or OEM supplier when said supplier is the only manufacturer’s authorized supplier within the manufacturer’s designated sales territory for the Tulsa market.

•          Used goods.

C.      Standardization Programs:

If standardization of equipment, furniture, materials or software has been implemented, schools and departments may make supplemental purchases without using one of the source selection methods, provided the price remains reasonable, and the procurement does not violate other federal or state bidding requirements. Price comparisons for similar or like products may be required.

The initial purchase of standardized furniture and equipment should be procured utilizing one of the required bidding/quotation methods defined in this policy; however, a cooperative contract may be used in lieu of district sourcing.

Standardization programs and the purchase of standardized equipment, furniture, materials and software is subject to review and approval of the District’s Purchasing Department.

D.      Sole-Source Selections:

Except as prohibited by federal Uniform Guidance requirements, sole-source procurements may be exempt from bidding provided that said procurements meet the following criteria:

•          The goods or services are unique to one manufacturer/supplier and no other similar (equal in function, performance) or like goods or services are available from another supplier;

•          The manufacturer distributes it directly or has limited distribution to a single distributor;

•          The manufacturer (not distributor) or service provider submits a written letter on company letterhead stating why the goods or services are unique to the company and that distribution is limited to the company as the sole distributor. (This letter must be attached to the requisition.)

•          Where compatibility of equipment, accessories or replacement parts are of paramount consideration or where service work on the original equipment must be performed by the manufacturer’s designated territory or assigned representative. Written documentation of such from the manufacturer should be included with the requisition.

Sole source procurements are subject to the approval of the District’s Purchasing Department.

E.       State and Local Contracts:

The Board of Education authorizes the use of Oklahoma State Contracts in lieu of using District sourcing methods. Furthermore, when it is in the district’s best interest, the district may purchase from other public contracts, cooperative purchasing alliances, or special pricing offers awarded to or made available to municipalities, public schools, other political subdivisions of the State, the Department of Corrections or other governmental entities of the United States. For acquisitions above the competitive sealed bid/proposal threshold, permission to use a state contract or purchasing cooperative must be obtained from the Director of Purchasing or Chief Financial Officer before requesting a quote from the supplier and submitting a requisition for the acquisition.

F.       Procurement Cards:

The Board of Education authorizes the use of a procurement/purchasing card program. Prior to the implementation of the procurement card program, the Superintendent or Chief Financial Officer shall adopt written procedures, limits and controls for the issuance and use of procurement cards.

No employee of the district shall authorize the use of or use any credit card which is not part of the purchasing card program or which will in any manner obligate the district. Where the purchasing card program is not practicable for use, the Superintendent or Chief Financial Officer may authorize the use or issuance of other specific types of credit cards on a limited basis with prior approval. The procedures, limits and controls for the purchasing card program shall apply toward all other specific credit cards.


A.      Child Nutrition:

Child Nutrition purchases shall be made in accordance with USDA, Oklahoma State Department of Education Child Nutrition Procurement Guidelines, this policy, and the Uniform Guidance Procurement Plan & Procedures, if Child Nutrition guidelines are incorporated into the Plan.

USDA Bidding Guidelines:

The Child Nutrition Department shall follow the more restrictive bid thresholds of either the USDA or this policy and award in like manner. Sealed bids and proposals shall be awarded by the Board of Education.

The Child Nutrition Procurement Plan shall be reviewed annually and updated, if necessary. If material changes are made to the plan, the revised plan shall be approved by the Superintendent or designee.


A.      Bidder Registration:

In an effort to create a fair and competitive opportunity for potential bidders to do business with the district, a potential bidder or existing supplier may register through the district’s online supplier registration solution.

Suppliers and registered bidders who fail to maintain a responsible status, update information as required, or fail to respond to two consecutive bid/quote invitations may be removed from the bid list at any time and for any length of time.

B.      Supplier Registration:

In order to obtain all necessary information required by the Internal Revenue Service and to ensure that supplier’s order and remittance information is correct, the district requires suppliers to register using the district’s defined method for supplier registration. New and existing suppliers must agree to the terms and conditions of the district’s official purchase order. The Board of Education authorizes the Chief Financial Officer, Director of Accounting, or the Director of Purchasing, or their designee(s), to complete and sign supplier-required documentation.

C.      Construction Contracts:

Contracts for the purpose of making any public improvement, constructing or making repairs to any public building as defined by the Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Act and Board of Education policy.

D.      School Buses:

Pursuant to Oklahoma law, all school buses shall be purchased using the sealed-bid method.

E.       Motivational Items:

The Board of Education will allow the purchase of inexpensive student items to be given to students as a motivational tool for use in classroom instruction providing the planned activity furthers the adopted mission of the district and is in compliance with state law.

F.       Student Gifts

The Board of Education allows for the infrequent purchase of student gifts and prizes from a student activity fund without the need to tag the asset or declare it surplus, provided a statement with the purchase order number on it is signed by the student recipient of the gift and sent to the Director of Accounting to be attached to the purchase order.

G.      Reimbursement of Non-travel Related and/or Meal-Related Purchased Goods or Services

It is the intent of the district for employees to use the requisition and purchase order system for acquiring goods and services; however, in situations where

•   the vendor/supplier will not accept a district purchase order and an alternate vendor/supplier is not available,

•   the P-Card cannot be used,

•   it is extremely impractical, or

•   it is an emergency, then

employees may request to be reimbursed for the personal purchase of said goods and services. If approved for reimbursement, employees may be reimbursed for the cost of the goods but may not be reimbursed for any

associated sales tax without approval by the CFO, Encumbrance Clerk, or Assistant Encumbrance Clerks. The intent is to discourage reimbursement of sales tax for non-travel-related reimbursements except when the vendor does not accept a district purchase order.

Employees will not be reimbursed for inventoried assets, including but not limited to, non-serialized and serialized furniture, fixtures and equipment and all fixed assets that do not meet the above-noted exceptions without prior approval from the Chief Financial Officer, Director of Financial Reporting, or Director of

Accounting. If approved for reimbursement, the payment will not be issued until the goods have been inventoried and tagged by the district’s Fixed Asset Department and a purchase order has been issued and approved by the Board of Education.

All requests for reimbursement must be supported with the original itemized receipt, unless a per diem meal reimbursement is instituted. Where the vendor/supplier does not provide an itemized receipt, the employee must furnish an original receipt and documentation which includes the date of the purchase and the price and description of the goods or services purchased.

The district assumes no liability for the purchase of goods or services purchased by an employee or for reimbursing the employee.

If the reimbursement request is approved, the employee will not be reimbursed until a purchase order has been issued and approved by the Board of Education and appropriate documentation has been provided. Personal reimbursements against General Funds, Building Funds or Child Nutrition funds must be pre-approved by the Superintendent or Chief Financial Officer. No personal reimbursements will be made from bond funds.

H.      Employee Gifts and Clothing

Pursuant to IRS regulations, gifts or non-uniform clothing purchased with district activity funds that exceed

$25 per item per calendar year will be reported as income to be included on the employee’s year-end W-2 form. Gift cards of any amount are considered to be cash by the IRS and are not appropriate gifts for employees.


A.      Acceptance of Gratuities or Gifts:

District employees are expressly forbidden from accepting gratuities or gifts from any vendor or supplier except as provided for by this policy. Gratuities as specified under this policy include cash or assets easily convertible to cash, travel, lodging, tickets, appliances, automobiles or their use, or any other form of special treatment which might influence the employees’ selection of a supplier. With the Superintendent’s approval or prior Board approval, employees may accept vendor-/supplier-provided travel, lodging and registration, provided said travel is for the purpose of attending professional development conferences, workshops, presentations or training.

Acceptance of prizes received from random drawings at professional development events made equally available to all participants at no cost or obligation to the employee or to the district may be permitted.

Promotional and advertising novelties, business meals, and tickets with an individual face value of $200 each or less are not considered gratuities under this policy.

Federal Programs/Funds - No officers, employees, and agents of the district, participating in the selection, award, or administration of a federal award, shall either solicit or accept gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors or parties to subcontracts. Notwithstanding E-Rate Requirements, in situations where the financial interest is not substantial or the gift is an unsolicited item of nominal value, the district’s established gift policy may be applicable.

In instances where the district’s rules on the acceptance of gratuities, favors, or anything of value is more restrictive than the federal Uniform Guidance, the district’s rules shall apply.

B.      E-Rate Provisions:

No employee shall accept any gratuities or thing(s) valuing twenty (20) dollars or more from any supplier of goods or services awarded a contract to provide goods or services under the Schools and Libraries Division

E-Rate program or associated Oklahoma Universal Service Fund (OUSF) programs. Furthermore, the annual maximum receipt of thing(s) of value for the school district shall not exceed fifty (50) dollars or the maximum amount permitted under applicable E-Rate and OUSF program regulations as amended.

C.      Violations of Purchasing Policy:

District employees violating this policy, exceeding their purchasing authority or incurring an expense without a pre-approved purchase order may be held personally and financially liable and subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, suspension, demotion, termination and legal action.


Revised 6/10/96

Revised 12/8/97

Revised 12/14/98

Revised 12/13/99


Revised 1/8/01

Revised 1/14/02

Revised 12/8/03

Revised 12/13/04

Revised 1/16/06

Revised 2/12/07

Revised 12/10/07 Revised 11/10/08 Revised 1/18/10 Revised 11/8/10 Revised 12/12/11 Revised 12/10/12 Revised 12/9/13

Revised 12/14/15

Revised 11/14/16

Revised 7/1/17

Revised 12/11/17

Revised 12/10/18

Revised 12/9/19

Revised 12/14/2020

Revised 11/8/21

Revised 12/12/22

Revised 12/11/23

Revision 12/9/24