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Our mission is to graduate 100 percent of our students, college and career ready.

Our Teachers

Teaching and Learning

Academics are a priority at Union Public Schools. Union offers programs for students as young as 3 to adults. Union wants everyone to succeed with their goals. Union is accredited by the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Its accreditation process, involving parents, teachers and administrators at each site, is considered a model for other school districts.

In order to fulfill Union's mission of graduating 100 percent of our students college and career ready, Union focuses on four main areas: early childhood education, community schools, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), and the Union Collegiate Academy experience.

Information on this page focuses on programs administered by our teachers. For teacher statistics, see Our Employees.

2023-2024 Facts, Stats & Anecdotes

Kirby Mackenzie, Media Specialist


Teacher Recruitment

Oklahoma was one of just a few states to report providing incentives for teacher recruitment in 2023. Most state-funded preschool programs, including Oklahoma, reported experiencing a shortage of qualified teachers during the 2023-24 school year. Oklahoma was one of just a few states to report providing incentives for teacher recruitment. Waivers to teacher education requirements were more prevalent than in previous years, raising concerns about preschool quality.

New York Times Coverage

Union Public Schools was featured in a new book by frequent New York Times contributor David Kirp about its approach to boost graduation rates and close opportunity gaps.

In the book "Disrupting Disruption", Kirp and his coauthors look closely at three seemingly ordinary school districts – Union in Oklahoma; Union City, New Jersey, and Roanoke, Virginia – that have overcome the fragmentation, isolation, and lost learning opportunities of the public school system.

Career Connect

Since its inception in 2014, Union Career Connect has garnered more than 2,280 nationally recognized certifications for 475 students in fields which include, but are not limited to: manufacturing, automotive, information technology, culinary, early childhood education, law enforcement, and construction.