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Our mission is to graduate 100 percent of our students, college and career ready.

Our Finances

The Finance Division is actually divided into several departments. These departments include Accounting, Payroll, Treasury, Financial Reporting, Federal Programs, and Human Resources. and Pupil Accounting coordinates enrollment and manages student statistics, working closely with Teaching and Learning.
The Finance Division develops and monitors the district’s budget, classifying revenues and expenditures correctly, and preparing all financial reports and statements. Staff also coordinate the annual audit and maintain compliance with all state and federal regulations and reports pertaining to the fiscal operations of the district.
The district’s finances are classified within several funds, including the general fund, building fund, child nutrition fund, the debt service fund, and bond funds.
The largest of these, the general fund, is used to pay salaries of teaching and support staff members, purchase classroom supplies and textbooks, and utility and insurance costs. On average, salaries and benefits make up more than 80 percent of general fund expenditures.

Revenues & Expenditures

For Fiscal Year 2023-24, the general fund - the district’s main operating fund - reported revenues of $156,575,044 and expenditures of $154,156,878.

Foundation (Formula) State Aid, the district’s single largest source of operating revenue, was $60,324,317.
Union received $36,122,432 in ad valorem revenues for 2023-2024 and placed in the General Fund based on the district’s net assessed valuation of $1,034,711,111.

Total bonded indebtedness as of June 30, 2024, was $113,996,500 (principal and interest).

Union maintains an excellent bond rating of AA+ from Standard & Poors.

The graph shows a pie chart for revenues. The graph shows 3 percent for Intermediate or $5,155,603; 7 percent for local or $10,917,355; 23 percent for taxes levied/assessed or $36,122,432; 12 percent for federal or $18,815,047; 16 percent for state or $25,240,290; and 39 percent for state aid or $60,324,317.

Caption: The graph shows a pie chart for revenues. The graph shows 3 percent for Intermediate or $5,155,603; 7 percent for local or $10,917,355; 23 percent for taxes levied/assessed or $36,122,432; 12 percent for federal or $18,815,047; 16 percent for state or $25,240,290; and 39 percent for state aid or $60,324,317.

Caption: The graph shows a pie chart for expenditures by function. The graph shows 4 percent for non-instruction services and other or $6,485,123; 4 percent for student transportation or $6,449,577; 10 percent for operations and maintenance or $15,220,101; 6 percent for business or $9,630,807; 7 percent for school administration or $10,862,892; 3 percent for general administration or 4,002,887; 5 percent for instructional support or $7,766,088; 9 percent for student support or $13,426,638; and 52 percent for instruction or $80,312,765.

Caption: The graph shows a pie chart for expenditures by function. The graph shows 4 percent for non-instruction services and other or $6,485,123; 4 percent for student transportation or $6,449,577; 10 percent for operations and maintenance or $15,220,101; 6 percent for business or $9,630,807; 7 percent for school administration or $10,862,892; 3 percent for general administration or 4,002,887; 5 percent for instructional support or $7,766,088; 9 percent for student support or $13,426,638; and 52 percent for instruction or $80,312,765.

2023-2024 Finance Division Highlights

Finance staff group picture -spring 2024